Myopia Control Clinic
Myopia Control encompasses the techniques available to us as eye doctors that we can use to help slow down progression of your, or your child’s, myopia. Myopia (or near-sightedness) is becoming an epidemic across the globe. Environmental and genetic factors can contribute to increasing amounts of myopia in young children, adolescents, teens, or even young adults. We now have the scientific evidence to support strategies that can help slow, or in some cases even halt, the progression of myopia.

Atropine Eye Drops
Specially formulated low dose atropine eye drops can be used to slow down the progression of nearsightednessOrthokeratology
Wearing contact lenses at night to reshape the front of the eye can slow down the progression of nearsightednessSpecialty Day Time Lenses
We carry MiSight contact lenses, MiyoSmart glasses, and other lenses designed to minimize progression of nearsightednessScreen Time
Extended periods of near work can be associated with changes in myopiaLifestyle Changes
Lets discuss what can be done with myopia control to minimize these changes?Risks of Progression
Higher myopia is correlated with increased risk of retinal detachments, glaucoma, and early cataractsMyopia Control - Risks of Increased Myopia
Increases in myopia mean more than just thicker glasses. As myopia progresses, the risk of developing certain ocular pathology such as early cataract formation, myopic maculopathy, retinal holes and tears, and glaucoma increases as well. At Prpic Eyecare Centre we believe in providing a proactive approach in regards to your ocular care and believe that myopia control strategies are an excellent way to assure the long-term health of your eyes. For more information contact our office or book a Myopia Control consultation and learn about which strategies would be best suited for you or your child.
Schedule an Examination
Feel free to fill out the form or call us today to schedule your examination. We are happy to take on customers at anytime. For any other questions about availabilities or services please email us.