Adult Eye Exams

Adult Eye Exam A complete eye exam involves a series of tests designed to evaluate your vision
and check for eye diseases. It is recommended that adults have their eyes examined yearly.
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Visit us for your comprehensive eye exam today

A complete adult eye exam involves a series of tests and measurements that evaluate your vision and check diseases that that may be affecting your eyes.

We believe in being proactive, not reactive.

When it comes to your ocular health and vision, prevention is often the best medicine. Annual adult eye exams ensure that diseases and conditions get caught before any permanent damage occurs.

Patient care is a two way street

We believe that education is an essential part of your overall health and wellness. We will take the time to educate you on our findings, and give you the opportunity to take part in the decisions that impact your care during your adult eye exam.

Visual & functional needs change

Workplaces and environments change; visual needs change; medications and systemic health change. We recommend yearly adult eye exams to ensure that we continue to help you find solutions for your changing visual demands.

Common Diseases, Conditions, & Symptoms

Digital Eye Strain and Computer Vision Syndrome

Difficulty with Night Driving

Diabetic Retinopathy

Smoking and ocular health

Nutrition and the eyes