need eye exams
Pediatric Eye Exams - Make sure your kids eyes are protected
Vision screenings are not the same as pediatric eye exams
Vision screenings performed at the pediatrician's office or at school are very good at picking up more obvious vision and health concerns, but many more subtle conditions and findings can easily be missed.Children first learn to read, and then they read to learn
90% of information that goes to the brain is visual in nature. If they are unable to see clearly, they are unable to learn to their full potential.Permanent vision loss in children can be prevented
Amblyopia, more commonly known as a “lazy eye”, is the most common cause of vision impairment in children. If caught through a pediatric eye exam and treated early enough, the condition is largely treatable.Good vision is more than just seeing 20/20
Proper functional vision in children requires both eyes to be working effectively together. Common signs of functional vision disorders found in pediatric eye exams include school work avoidance, disdain for reading, eye strain, headaches, squinting, & closing one eye.Our doctors are currently accepting new patients.
Schedule an appointment for your next EYE EXAM.
Screen time
How is this affecting your child's eyes?
Amblyopia (“Lazy Eye”)
Are your child’s eyes making meaningful connections with their brain?
Difficulties with reading and writing
There may be ocular reasons why your child does not enjoy studying and reading.
Strabismus (“Crossed-eyes” or “Eye Turns”)
Are my child’s eyes straight?
Myopia Control
What can I do to stop my child’s prescription from getting stronger?
Nearsightedness and Farsightedness
Which is which? Does my kid need glasses?
The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends the first eye exam for children be sometime between the ages of 6 and 12 months, with yearly comprehensive ocular examinations afterwards. Children's eyes undergo significant changes throughout their developmental years, making regular pediatric eye exams essential for detecting and addressing any issues before they affect their learning and development. Many eye conditions, such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed eyes), and refractive errors, can be managed effectively with early diagnosis and treatment, which can prevent long-term vision problems.
Visual changes can be expected as children grow, but these changes don't have to impact their quality of life. By investing in appropriate care, parents can ensure their children enjoy optimal vision for years to come. The good news is that pediatric eye exams are covered by MSP at Prpic Eyecare Centre, making it easy for parents to prioritize their children's eye health.